7 Easy Homemade Treats for Cats
Your furry friends deserve the occasional treats just as much as anyone. These days, there are many treats available in the market; however, making treats for your pet every once in a while is also fun. Plus, this will ensure that your cat eats healthy and wholesome treats with all high-quality ingredients. And you will also learn what your cat enjoys and doesn’t. You can also use these treats to train them and teach them new fun skills. Here are some cat treats that you can make at home: 1. Tuna cookies These cat treats are super easy to make and only require simple ingredients like tuna in oil, an egg, flour, parsley, and some water. You can use a bottle cap to cut out little circles, so they are the appropriate size for little cat treats. They take only about 20 minutes to make and will be loved by your cats. Be sure to only give them a few a day to avoid overeating. 2. Spinach and chicken treats If you want to make sure your cats eat their greens regularly, try adding them to their treats. You will only need some spinach, quick-cooking oats, boneless chicken thighs, and eggs.